Altar Breads
The Redemptoristine Nuns have been making Altar Breads for more than 70 years, and with the addition of new sisters in the Monastery there is great interest and necessity in carrying on this tradition.
I am the bread
of life.
Whoever comes to me shall not hunger.
John 6:35
As Cloistered Religious we offer this service to the Church but also depend on the sale of the Altar Breads for the financial upkeep of the Monastery and the continuation of our life.
4" diameter
10 = €3.40
100 = €3400
6" diameter
10 = €4.30
100 = €43.00
Large Breads
Small Breads
100 = €1.60
1000 = €16.00
We offer 3 sizes in
larger breads:
2.75" diameter
10 = €1.40
100 = €14.00
" Working in the Altar Breads is a precious experience for me, as I reflect that each Host when consecrated becomes the Body of our Lord. I am part of a great mission. "
-Sr. Margaret