About Us
In Order that our brothers and sisters may be fully aware of the love by which they are eternally loved by Him, the Father calls us to be a living memorial - a constant reminder - of all that the Son accomplished
during His life on earth.
-Constitutions, 5.
Our monastery is in the heart of Dublin and plays a pivotal role in the local community life of the area. Local people join us for the daily celebration of the Eucharist, meditation and Evening Prayer.
Our life is enclosed, which is to say we remain within the grounds of monastery, apart from the world, but holding the world in our heart in prayer.
The Monastic day is passed in prayer, work and recreation with one another. The needs of other people in the world are our great concern.

Sharing the Life
Sharing the Life

Viva Memoria

Altar Bread Making

Contemplative Life

Our principal work is the production of altar breads and the general work of looking after the monastery, as in any home.
We are a group of women who try to bring God’s love to each other in Community. We live and pray in community. Community is a very important feature of our lives.
In prayer, we feel the love Jesus has for each of us and we reach out and share this love with each other.
Prayer is where our life is centered.